As the day unfolds, embark on exhilarating adventures that await just beyond your doorstep. Witness the iconic wildlife up close from graceful giraffe, zebras, impalas and the list continues. Escape the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. Our...
Parkland property This 2100sq/m stand is bordering parkland at the rear. With lush trees this is the ideal stand to build your holiday escape.Contact us for enquiries.
Well located stand in Marloth.This nearly 2000 sq.m stand is located in a very popular part of Marloth As it is within walking distance from the Crocodile river you would be able to listen to the sounds of visitors from Kruger Park to the river from...
Nestled in the heart of Marloth Park, this expansive 1600sqm stand offers the perfect canvas for your dream home. Imagine waking to the symphony of birdsong, the smell of morning dew, and the breathtaking vistas of the African bushveld.This blank...
Vacant LandBeautifull "open" stand. Not to bushy in order to place your home in a nice spot. The stand do have a few nice trees with a big Appelblaar tree at the back of the stand. There is plans available which the buyer can just submit for...
This larger than average Stand of over 1900m² is located near to Gate One of Marloth Park. The Stand is level and has many mature trees including a Mopani Tree. Grab this opportunity to own your piece of Africa in the heart of the Lowveld Game...
Experience the raw beauty of the African bushveld on this expansive plot. Towering Knobthorn trees, lush greenery, and a peaceful atmosphere create a truly breathtaking setting.With established neighbours and thoughtful privacy measures, this is...
A special opportunity to build your dream home in a Wildlife Holiday Township, where Giraffe, Zebra, Wildebeest and a large variety of wildlife roam freely and the magnificent bird life dominate the tree tops.The possibilities are endless. Call me...
Marloth Park is a sought-after destination known for its friendly community and abundant wildlife. With its prime location and investment potential, this stand is a rare find. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of...