Country Elegance minutes from Knysna's Vibrant Heart. A Hidden Pearl nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Phantom Pass, the Knysna River Reserve offers a unique opportunity to own a vast expanse of pristine land along the Knysna River. The...
Unspoilt Retreat Above Brenton on SeaDUAL MANDATEDiscover the allure of Brenton on Sea, a tranquil coastal haven on the prestigious Garden Route, where a rare opportunity awaits to create your dream home on a prime vacant stand. Offering...
Embrace Natural Splendor and Coastal Serenity Just above Lake Pleasant in Groenvlei, bordering on the Goukamma Nature Reserve lies an incredible opportunity to discover the vast, untapped potential of Ruigtevlei Farm, an expansive property nestled...
The Ultimate Dream Beach Property with Magnificent Seaviews!Nestled in the Western Head Conservancy between Brenton-on-Sea and Buffalo Bay, offers magnificent natural scenic beauty. With direct access to 304 meters of pristine beachfront, a mere...
Serene Smallholding Opportunity on Rheenendal Road: Your Ideal Countryside EscapeLocated just 5 kilometers from the N2 and nestled in the scenic Rheenendal region near Knysna, this 3.8-hectare smallholding presents a pristine environment surrounded...