Investing in a secure estate property: A decision you won't regret

Investing in a home in a secure estate can be a great decision for those looking to diversify their real estate portfolio or to start one. There are many benefits to owning a property in a secure estate, including increased safety, access to amenities and the potential for an increase in value. Of course, there are also several things to consider when it comes to your investment choice.

"Real estate is considered to be one of the safest and most profitable of investments. Investing in a property positioned in a secure estate is even more lucrative because of the many benefits these estates offer. It's definitely not a decision that will be regretted," says Berry Everitt, CEO of the Chas Everitt International property group. 


One of the main benefits of owning a property in a secure estate is the increased level of personal safety it provides. Secure estates are often gated communities with security personnel on duty around the clock. Access control closed circuit cameras, and other security features significantly reduce the likelihood of burglaries and other crimes occurring. And knowing that their property and loved ones are more secure gives homeowners peace of mind.


Access to amenities is another reason why investing in a secure estate property makes sense. Many estates have shared amenities such as swimming pools, gyms and parks, which can be a great perk for homeowners and their families. These amenities can also add value to the property, making it a more attractive option for potential buyers in the future. Some of the larger estates even have schools, shopping malls, business parks and medical centres within their walls.

Growing in value

The reason to invest boils down to finding a property that has excellent potential to appreciate in value. Real estate is a long-term investment, and properties in secure estates tend to deliver superior returns over time. And as the demand for estate homes continues to grow in South Africa, it stands to reason that this trend will continue.


When it comes to selecting the "right" investment property for your needs, you should apply the same rules about location, condition and security as when buying a home for yourself. Furthermore, if you do not plan to live in the property yourself, finding reliable, creditworthy tenants should never be left to chance. In this regard, prospective investors should seek out a qualified, experienced and reputable managing agent to help them qualify prospective tenants.

There are also cost considerations to keep in mind when it comes to estate properties. These properties tend to be more expensive than those in non-gated communities, and investors may also have to pay homeowners' association fees or levies to cover the cost of maintaining shared amenities and security.

However, these additional costs can be offset by the benefits of increased safety and access to amenities, as well as the potential for greater appreciation in value. Ultimately, investing in a secure estate property is a decision that should be carefully considered. It is important to weigh the costs and benefits and to do thorough research on the specific estate in question.

We recently put the spotlight on several incredible secure developments across the country that offer excellent investment potential. Contact a qualified Chas Everitt agent today to discuss your investment choices in secure estate properties this year.


12 Jan 2023
Author Chas Everitt
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