Hot property: The pros and cons of secure estate living

Secure estate living is South Africa's fastest-growing luxury property trend. Why the shift from freehold properties? Here are five reasons that make estate living so desirable.

  1. Safety and security

Safety is a huge contributing factor that influences where people choose to live, and this is why it's at the top of our list. Secure estates have access-controlled gates manned by security personnel, response vehicles that perform regular patrols, perimeter fences and security cameras on street corners. This high level of security provides peace of mind that you and your family are safe at home.

  1. Lifestyle benefits

Depending on the size of the estate you can have communal swimming pools, parks, schools, shopping centres, office complexes, club houses, tennis courts and gyms. In addition, golf estates have their own golf courses, while equestrian estates provide stables and paddocks. Having lifestyle activities right on your doorstep is a huge added appeal of living in a secure estate.

  1. Sense of community

With the often frenetic pace of life, people increasingly want to belong to a community. A secure estate has a "village life" feeling, where you know your neighbours and meet up for weekend braais, while your kids play cricket unsupervised on the road in front of your house. This sense of community is also especially attractive to families with children and the elderly.

  1. Great resale value

The value of a property in a secure estate is usually higher than a freestanding house, but it also tends to increase year on year. With extra security, shared amenities and beautiful open spaces, people are willing to pay a premium to secure a space in a well-run estate. This enables you to get a sound return on your investment when you want to sell.

  1. Lower costs

The upkeep of communal areas is usually shared, which reduces the financial burden of owning property. When it comes to the amenities, you get access to facilities that you wouldn't likely have had, and there's no membership fee to join clubs. You can also expect reduced vehicle and household insurance premiums.

Before you sign on the dotted line, it's important to do your research and find out the flipside to secure estate living.

  • Levies: These can be a significant expense, so it's key to find out what they are and what they include before you sign an offer to purchase.

  • Rules: From the uniform appearance of properties to not allowing pets, limiting social gatherings and noise regulations, estates tend to have strict rules you need to abide by.

  • Privacy: Having neighbours close by provides a sense of security but it also means your movements are easy to follow if you have inquisitive neighbours.

There are many benefits to living in a secure estate but making a purchase decision also comes down to your budget, personal circumstances and taste. An accredited agent who understands your needs and has an in-depth knowledge of the estate you're interested in, will provide valued advice and guidance to help with your purchase decision.

Chat to an experienced Chas Everitt property consultant about properties in a secure estate.

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10 May 2022
Author Chas Everitt
339 of 893
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