Homeowner advice: Watch out for water damage

Water damage in a home often goes unnoticed as homeowners deal with more obvious maintenance issues, but it can have far-reaching consequences and chew up huge amounts of time and money to rectify if you don't pick it up quickly.

Even a small hole in a roof can result in a rotting rafter or a waterlogged wall that could collapse or need to be replaced, so it is worth looking out for the following on a regular basis:

* Any upward water seepage into walls, which could indicate cracked foundations or a lack of damp-proofing.

* Any drainage blockages. Surface water runoff when it rains, for example, should not pool anywhere but always drain away from the house, while gutter downspouts should always be directed away from the foundation.

* Any sudden dips in paving or your driveway which could indicate that the soil below the surface is being washed away by groundwater or due to a pipe leak.

* Any roof leaks, especially around flashings, skylights or chimneys, and any downward water seepage into walls.

* Any blocked or damaged gutters, which could result in rainwater not being properly channelled away from the roof and outer walls;

* Any sudden drop in tap water pressure, which can be a sign of water service supply deficiencies - or the need to upgrade some piping, especially if you own an older home with the original galvanised water pipes.

* Any signs of mould, which is becoming more prevalent in modern homes due to the increasing use of air conditioners, dehumidifiers and clothes dryers, and may require the installation of exhaust fans, the replacement of infested carpets and the repainting or retiling of certain areas.

* Higher-than-normal water loss from a swimming pool, which could indicate a crack and a leak that could eventually cause the structure to collapse if you don't get it fixed.


19 Mar 2020
Author Meg Wilson
428 of 893
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