Heritage newsletter welcome

Did you know that South Africa now has nine World Heritage sites, with the most recent having been inscribed by Unesco just a couple of months ago? This means that we are not only rich in the heritage that we as a nation must value ourselves, but in heritage that is of exceptional value to the world and humanity as a whole.

This really something for all of us to be proud of in this Heritage Month – and maybe to contemplate too as we gaze into the leaping flames or glowing coals of our celebration braai fires. We are all part of something bigger than ourselves, and we all have gifts to share with others – and I think it is important to always look beyond our daily troubles and upheavals to remember what South Africans working together have already taught the world, and still have to teach if we are willing and don’t give
up hope.

In addition, World Heritage Sites are increasingly great draws for eco and other specialist tourists who like learning about history, ancient art, archaeology and anthropology while travelling, and I think our tourism departments need to do more to promote them and make foreigners, especially, aware that we not only have fabulous scenery and  amazing animals in SA, but these awe-inspiring places to visit.

However, perhaps a good place to start is for more South Africans to just take a trip there themselves, and then start spreading the word to their own friends and families. We don’t travel and learn nearly enough in our own country. So why not check out this list and start planning a different sort of Sho’t Left for your holidays this year? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_South_Africa


21 Sep 2018
Author Berry Everitt
502 of 893
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