Green your world: Support 'deconstruction'

The need to recycle, re-use and reduce is all too clear these days when it comes to electronics, plastics, appliances, furniture and even clothes, and now it's catching on in the construction industry too, especially when old buildings need to be removed to make way for new ones.


For example, says Berry Everitt, CEO of the Chas Everitt International property group, it is becoming more and more common in SA to see large suburban homes on big stands being demolished and replaced with several smaller homes or a sectional title complex, or old commercial buildings being gutted and turned into trendy inner-city apartments, to make more efficient use of land and existing resources.


"And for the sake of the environment, it is also becoming more common to see professional developers and builders extending 'green building' principles to include demolition and renovation as well as new builds."


Writing in the latest Property Signpost, he says the rubble and waste generated by such activities has traditionally consumed a huge amount of scarce landfill space and added to the depletion of natural resources and the emission of greenhouse gases, but that when demolition is replaced by "deconstruction", where the building is systematically taken apart rather than being destroyed, much of the material that might just have been dumped can be recovered and recycled.


"Of course, when home-owners, developers and contractors are planning on deconstruction rather than demolition, they will still need to follow the correct procedures for making major changes to existing buildings.


"These include obtaining the necessary permits/ approvals from the local authority; organising the suspension / provision of electricity and water services to the site as required; the removal of gas equipment and the disconnection of any gas supply and ensuring that the site is properly secured and safe for work to proceed."


However, notes Everitt, it has been estimated that careful deconstruction can divert 80% of the waste that would have been generated by traditional demolition from the landfill - and result in huge savings of resources and money - so it is worth going through the process.


Building materials that can be recovered during deconstruction include roof timbers, tiles and iron sheeting; bricks and concrete blocks; steel reinforcing; window and door frames and lintels; wooden doors and floor timbers; garage doors and security gates; metal and plastic piping; ceiling boards and tiles; ceramic or stone wall and floor tiles; carpet or carpet tiles; lighting fixtures and even glass.

"And with good planning, most of these can be re-used in the new building project to cut construction costs, sold off to other contractors and scrap merchants, or donated to community housing or school-building projects.


"Deconstruction also saves on costly disposal fees at council dumps, as well as the cost of site-clearing and transporting building rubble. In many cases, it will also enable the contractor to save architectural features and established trees and landscaping that will further lower the cost of the new build."


Issued by Chas Everitt International

For more information

Call Berry Everitt on


Or visit www.chaseveritt.co.za


09 Mar 2020
Author Meg Wilson
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