Ballito Holiday Accommodation Fully Booked

“Year-end holiday accommodation in Ballito and Umhlanga has been fully booked for months, and latecomers who hope to spend some time off in these popular destinations are now advised to book for the second week of January”. So says Greg Harris who heads up the Chas Everitt Property Rentals Group.
Karen von Weilligh, holiday letting manager at Chas Everitt Ballito, says all available accommodation for the period between 20 December and 3 January was taken up months in advance and that many holidaymakers who wanted to spend Christmas in Ballito or Umhlanga waited too long to make bookings.
"Homes and apartments right on the beachfront are always the first to go and are typically booked months, if not a year, in advance. These prime properties achieve rentals of between R2500 a day for apartments and up to R4000 per day for comfortable three-bedroom beach homes.
“Further away from the beach, prices drop of course, but units up to 1km from the beach are also taken up quickly."
She adds, however, that there are still a few units available earlier in December and some prime accommodation available in the New Year. And the good news is that prices are generally more favourable at these times – and even lower if would-be holidaymakers can take time off in the low and off-seasons.
“Prices in the high season range between R1000 and R4000 per unit per day, but drop progressively in the low and off seasons, and units can be booked at more than 50% discounts. For example, some units that would achieve daily rentals of R2500 in the high season are available for around R975 per day in off-peak periods,” Von Weilligh says.
"Holidaymakers who come to visit during February and March may also be lucky enough to find units available on a five-night special, with an added discount of around 30% per night. Typically, units offered in this scheme can be booked for around R650 per night.” Harris concluded.
Issued by Chas Everitt International
For further information contact
Greg Harris or Karen von Wielligh
On 032 586 0154
Or prabashni@everitt.co.za

27 Nov 2014
Author Barry Davies
783 of 893
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