2013 Chas Cares

For the Elderly in Need. Please Support our Food Parcel Drive
We can reach so many more people with YOUR support!
So many people WANT to help but don't know if the most deserving people will get their support - this is what this campaign is all about; YOUR donations together with OUR pledges TOGETHER making a real difference to those who really DO NEED IT the most.

Food Parcel Handover Dates – 2013

Our objective is to handover 500 food parcels in the course of one year.

9 & 23 August 2013
6 & 20 September
4 & 18 October
1, 15 & 29 November

Co-ordinator: Eileen
Tel: 021 712 5029
Email : tokai@everitt.co.za


Chas Rustenburg Liefdadigheidsmark
All proceeds & donations received on the day will go to support the local school's child feeding schemes via the local church projects.

It was a day filled with fun, laughter and great team spirit. The people of Rustenburg supported the event and really opened their hearts and wallets to make donations to this worthy cause.


Chas Everitt Helderberg supports Cotlands Place of Safety
Basically our contribution is collecting toys, clothes and anything that would be required in a normal home. Also when the babies and little toddlers move to their adoptive home or are re-introduced back to their parents they get given a Chas Bear to take with them. Some of the agents are also doing volunteer work at the home.

Cotlands is a long-serving South African 'non-profit' agency that continues to meet the ever-changing needs of children impacted by HIV/AIDS in our country.

South Africa has been identified as the country with the greatest number of HIV/AIDS-infected people in the world. Recent reports reveal that more than five million South Africans are currently living with the impact of HIV/AIDS, while some of Cotlands’ programme focus areas (e.g. Cotlands' Hlabisa Home Base Care project) have estimated infection rates of more than 40% of the total population.

While this information is not new, the impact of these figures is becoming clearer to our communities, our government and the global community in which we live.

'AIDS orphans' (children orphaned by the HIV/AIDS related death of their parents), 'child-headed households' (homes managed by elder siblings often as young as 11) and similar terms are now commonplace in South Africa, yet support for these individuals is still lagging behind growing awareness of the challenges we face.

Founded in 1936, Cotlands was originally created as a care centre for unwed mothers and their infants, and over the years has evolved into a shelter for abused, abandoned, HIV positive, orphaned and terminally ill children from birth to fourteen years of age.

With headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa, our activities have reflected the changing needs of our society and we have increased both the quality and quantity of services we provide. In the early 1990’s, Cotlands identified an urgent need to care for children directly impacted by HIV/AIDS. This focus included the establishment of a pediatric AIDS hospice, the first of its kind in South Africa at that time (1996), offering specialised paediatric palliative care 24 hours a day.

At present, Cotlands is servicing eight communities (Johannesburg South, Soweto, Alexandra, and Thembisa in Gauteng, Hlabisa in KwaZulu/Natal, East London in Eastern Cape, Helderberg in the Western Cape and Lydenburg in Mpumalanga) ¾ impacting more than 2 000 families either directly (through home based care and residential care) or indirectly (via outreach, training, capacity building and counseling).

Care now extends through the whole continuum – from identifying vulnerable children in the community to end stage hospice care for children dying of AIDS. Expanded services include home based care, community development and capacity-building services in the field of HIV/AIDS on a national basis.

30 Jun 2017
Author Chas Everitt
590 of 893
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