2012 Chas Cares

Chas Everitt Donates to SPCA
As part of the 'Chas Cares' initiative, the Management and Staff of Chas Everitt Amanzimtoti presented a donation of dog and cat food, totalling 121 kg's, to the local SPCA after having heard that their stocks were very low following an influx of animals over recent weeks. The food was presented to Tracey and Pam of the SPCA on Wednesday 20th November at Chas Everitt's offices. Chas Everitt would like to challenge all the other Estate Agencies in Toti to either meet or better this donation to such a worthy cause.

Music Trivia fundraiser on 3 August 2012
An extremely successful fundraiser in favour of Lelethu Baby Shelter in Westering, Port Elizabeth was hosted by Chas Everitt on Friday, 3 August with just over 180 people attending. Loads of fun and laughter was had by all while raising money for a very worthy cause. Entry into the venue was any baby item(s) and containers full of items were received.

Handover to Lelethu Baby Shelter on 7 August 2012
Handover of items to Lelethu Baby Shelter, Westering, Port Elizabeth - 7 August

All the items received as entry into the venue for the Music Trivia Fundraiser were handed over to Lelethu Baby Shelter this morning. A huge difference has been made through the efforts of Team Chas PE in the lives of these babies.  A significant amount of money has also been raised which is being paid into the shelters' banking account.

Kuierkidz Learning Center - Financial Aid For New Center
Our learning center is a non-profitable organization that empowers children living with severe disabilities, to reach their utmost capabilities and be accepted into society in whatever way possible so that they too can live a meaningful life. We started the center 2 years ago with the help of the community on a piece of land that was given to us on a permanent basis (by the Meerhof School, a government based school for physically disabled children.)

We started with 3 children and grew to 6 within six months. We currently have seven children attending our school. We are open to children of all cultures and we know the need is great out there. We also have to educate parents in our area in order for them to bring their kids to the center, because people of some cultures do not believe in sending these children to school. They would rather leave them at home; unattended or in the care of an elderly relative who cannot tend to their social, educational or personal needs. Children attending our center have a variety of brain disabilities. There are those with different syndromes and others who sustained brain injuries because of an accident, birth defects or due to illness.

South Africa, being a developing country, is far behind in this process of incorporating these individuals into schools and society, due to social, monetary and educational constraints. We are faced with unique challenges in the South African context; we need to work harder to create equal opportunities for individuals with developmental, physical and learning disabilities. In more developed countries, the government has enough funding to look after their vulnerable citizens.

Because of the lack of schools for the severely disabled, we as parents started the Kuierkidz learning center in Hartbeespoort. We do not receive any government funding and have to carry all costs of teachers, equipment, therapy and excursions by ourselves.

The Meerhof School only caters for physically disabled kids. Children who are not fit to attend there need to come to us for schooling but because we are a private school these kids might not financially be able to attend our center. Our monthly school fee is between R950 and R1950 per child depending on the degree of personal attention necessary. But our actual cost per child to keep the school going is R3000 per child. We, as parents, have to raise these funds ourselves. Some of these children need an additional assistant/facilitator to help them to cope with all the school tasks, they are severely handicapped and can't cope on their own. We need to raise those funds along with the running costs each month (electricity, telephone, garden services, etc.)

We need an extra classroom desperately because we expect to enroll 3 Down syndrome children within the next month. I attach the quotation we received from a supplier but any size room will do. We are using mobile homes for classrooms. (On one of the photos attached you can see the classroom in the background).

We drew up a wish list of all the school's basic needs and you are welcome to look at it and see where you might be able to assist.

Thank you very much for taking time to learn about our center. Any help whatsoever will be much appreciated.

Rene Coetzee (Principal)

ADDRESS: 58 Schubert Street Hartbeespoortdam 0260. 
POSTAL ADDRESS: Posbus 834 Hartbeespoort 0260
EMAIL: kuierkidz101@gmail.com 
CELL: 079 626 9859.
NPO NUMBER: 083-526

Voorpos Primary
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Krouse

Just a short note to thank you (Chas Everitt) on behalf of Voorpos Primary for your generosity towards our learners and staff.
The learners were overwhelmed with joy when they received their gift bags and you could see that they appreciated the delights and goodies it contained. The staff also enjoyed the cake during break.
As Voorpos is a community school it is important for us to build bridges between the school and local businesses.
We wish you all the best!
Yours in Education

Mr. A. Matthee

30 Jun 2017
Author Chas Everitt
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